Mental Revolution - education

If we are talking about mental revolution it means that we are talking about revolution or let say its a changing. not the physical, but mental wellbeing and personality.In providing good level of revolution,
The mental revolution underpins creative and critical transformation by promoting a positive point of view in how people think, behave and perceive a better future life.The question is: how does the mental revolution work? And what is the appropriate medium to implement it? There are many ways of carrying out the mental revolution and of putting it into practice. Education is obviously one of the best approaches for implementing the mental revolution. as we know teachers play very important role here. Whatever we learn through our parents and teachers are really effective to build our mental to face the life. A good education helps us all to be a person. Education must be perceived as a way not only to transfer knowledge and skills, but also to inculcate how to think creative and critical.
A education system covers the development of creative and critical thinking skills through learning should be one of the priorities in the mental revolution movement for improving education. Creative and critical thinking are important to develop in all levels of education, because they are not only a strategic learning tool, which makes learning more effective and meaningful and encourages individuals to learn and develop themselves for life, but also an important tool in personal and professional life.

I personaly think that many students in indonesia are not aware about how important education is. Because i’ve heard so many of students complain about going to school or college. it’s fine to complain, but you gotta know everythingyou did, everything youve done and everything you right now is gonna be worth it. For all of you college students, if you think that you wanna give up or you were tired with college. Please keep this in mind. You are lucky, you have more possibility to have a better job and a better life than people who dont go to college. You should be more thankfull. And for students that dont have to worry about financcial problems, you should be more thankfull and do your best because some people have to work so hard to survive college. So i want you to be critical,be open minded, and respect more, change your mental because this is for the sake of our future. Be smart and wise educated person so we can show the world that indonesia is improving, that indonesia can change into a better country.

By: Shabrina Cinta Edrea
From: Universitas Mercu Buana
