Your Fun Ways to Study
Your Fun Ways to Study
Does anyone know what learning style is? Learning styles can also be called effective ways of learning. Learning styles have an effect on how fast our brains can understand information. So, learning activities become more effective and the results are better. Here are some cool learning styles for you to know.
1. Visual (spatial)
Visual learning styles is marked by your preference for learning by using pictures, graphics, colors, visual imagination, and spatial. If you have an understanding of these things, you are the type of person with a visual learning style. For example, you have a good sense when reading maps or following instructions in accordance with the picture.
2. Aural (auditory)
Auditory learning styles is characterized by ease in processing information well from various sound sources, such as teacher explanations, speeches, voice recordings, and others. Usually, people who are suited to this aural or auditory learning style prefer to listen to the material in class or sit quietly listening to the audio book. People with aural styles also have a tendency to succeed in music, because they have a good sense of tone and rhythm.
3. Verbal (linguistik)
Verbal learning style is characterized by a preference for using words, both in reading and writing to understanding the lesson. Verbal students are comfortable with lots of reading, speaking and writing while studying. Verbal students also tend to like word games, poetry, rhymes, finding the meaning of words.
If you are a verbal learner, look for ways to always associate subject matter with writing and reading. You can use mnemonic techniques, make acronyms, and write them in writing. You can also repeat the subject matter by reading it aloud, or making word games with friends.
4. Physical (kinesthethic)
Kinesthetic learning styles is usually characterized by the speed with which they receive and process information from physical things. For example, touch, the presence of props, and self participation in the learning process. You feel the need to experience something first to really understand something. You also have a good sense of texture or shape. Usually, person with kinesthetic learning styles like physical activities like sports.
5. Logical (mathematical)
Do you feel superior when you count? That means your learning style is mathematical. Usually you’ll quickly realize a form of pattern, and see the relation of one information with other that’s usually not realized by many people. You can also understand something by connecting various details and arranging them in an organized way, like playing a puzzle. Lessons that are problem solving skills, systematic, and don’t need to rely on memorization are the main keys for you. [1]
Written by Diyan and Adinda
[1] Yuza Mulia. 2015. “7 Gaya Belajar yang Penting Kamu Ketahui”
. Accessed from
on June 2020