General Terms
- The participants are college’s student in JABODETABEK.
- All Registration fee include Workshop fee
- Registration fee:
- Speech Contest IDR 100.000 /person;
- Debate IDR {180.000} / group
- The contest is individual and group;
- The contestant have to come in technical meeting;
- The theme for speech and design is prepared by the committee
- When registration, contestants have to bring:
- Form registration
- Photocopy of identity card (KTP, KTM, or Student Card).
- The payment proof.
- The contestant have to do re-registration at technical meeting.
- For payment you can pay immediately on technical meeting day or transfer by ATM:
- Speech contest: Please confirm to the contact person, send the picture of printed struck transfer payment and bring the printed struck on technical meeting day.
- Debate competition: Please confirm and send the picture of printed struck transfer payment to the contact person.
- Contact Person: Shinta +6283874746725 (WA only)
- The latest date for full fill the registration fee is on 15/11/17
- The score will be announced at Workshop session on 20/11/2017 along with the awarding session.
- If the participant whom win the competition can not come to the awarding session, they have to send the representative to take the reward.
- If the winner yet the representative can not come to the awarding session,the winner have to come to our secretarial room at 3rd floor of Daksinapati building (FIP building) to take the reward.
Technical Implementation
- Registration is allowed until 10nd November 2017 {for debate. And 15th November 2017 for speech}
- When technical meeting the participants take the number and show up the proof of acquittal payment;
- The contestant have to come 30 minutes before the competition starts;
- The contestants will called 3 times;
- If the contestant had been called 3 times but contestant don’t attend, will be disqualified;
- Fee registration can’t return if the participant resigns.
- Contestant will demonstrate a speech made by him/herself (original) and not plagiarism based by theme that have chosen. If the speech script is plagiarism and known by the judges, then the contestant will be disqualified;
- The speech script is a manuscript that has not been performance in any previous speech contest. If contestant bring a script that had been perform previously and is known by the judges will be charged a points deduction.
- The speech script is typed with font “Times New Roman”, font size 12, line space 1,5 and printed in A4 paper;
- The script is have to made 3 copies (2 hardcopy and 1 softcopy send to and submitted with green map (write your name and university @ map) to the committee at the technical meeting.
- For the participant whom hasn't submit the speech script on technical meeting, you have to submit two bundles hardcopy of the script and the copy of your identity card (ktm/ktp), put it inside green file folder (write your name and university for each file folder) to the committee at least on the competition day.
- If there is any alteration of the script, please kindly inform to our contact person and send the new script to our email,at least on 16/11/17
- In the right corner of the speech script is written the names of contestant, college and the theme chosen.
- Duration for speech is minimum 4 minutes, maximum 6 minutesin qualification;
- If the participants do it more than 6 minutes, it will reduce the score by 1 for every 10 seconds.
- Contestant is allowed to speech with or without the script;
- The theme is Indonesian Youth Spark, and the contestants can choose in the field:
- Unity in Diversity Youth Power
- If I'm Indonesian President
- Contribution for Indonesia Through Your Major
- The champion are I (the first), II (second), and III(third);
- Assessment are based by 4 criteria : Content, Fluency, Performance, Accuracy
- Assessment is carried out by 2 judges;
- The score is start from 0 and score maximum is 100
- The location of speech competition is on 9th floor of Ki Hajar Dewantara building (Sertifikasi Guru building)
- The script sent to our email have to be the same as the hard copy that will be given on the competition day.
- If there is any differences within the soft copy and the hard copy of the script, it will reduce your score by 20.
- The participants should come to the competition area 2 hours before the competition started (11.00 WIB)
- The participants may bring supporters to the competition room.
- There will be a time reminder for the participants by using coloured paper which are:
- Green light for 4 minutes
- White for 5 minutes and 20 seconds
- No final session. The winner will be determined by the total score.
- The score will be announced at Workshop session on 20/11/2017 along withthe awarding session.
- Speech and debate contestant have to wear the mark and number of contestant;
- Speech and debate contestant have to come to the competition area one hour before the competition started.
- Contestant wear a formal outfit (almamater for College Student).
- This terms is can’t be interfered.
- The judges’ decision should not be interfered. Parties protested against the judges’ decision imposed the administrative burden ofRp.1.000.000;
- Things that are not listed above will be determined by the committee based on the conditionsset;
- NoNameUniversityOrdinal Number1Kadek Wikananda L.UNJ12Yuna Reftariyana HapsariUNJ23Nabila ParadissaLSPR JAKARTA34Vanessa MasliUMN45Rizqy Arya PratamaSekolah TinggiPariwisata56Danies Almas ThifalUNJ67Mahardika Putra LaksanaSTIE Kesatuan78VinnawatiUMN89Novira MaharaniLSPR JAKARTA910Emily WiputriUMN1011Grace CarolinePKN STAN1112Trisha IndriyaniUPNVJ1213Aditya Gilang RumpakaUNJ1314Jessica LaayBINUS1415Adinda HariyantiMERCU BUANA1516Winda Prastika JohanPRESIDENT Univ.1617Muhammad FandyPKN STAN1718Agita Tria AnggraeniUNJ1819Kukuh Utama PutraUNJ1920Bimo Nuswantoro SugardoTRISAKTI2021Muhammad PoncoWibosonoSTIE Kesatuan2122Hanin KhalidahUNJ2223Alya GentianaUMN2324Tita DesyaraUNJ2425Desomond SinartaLSPR JAKARTA2526Rizka VezeniUNJ2627Kurnia Ashar RinaldiUNJ2728Britis Nourmand Leica JalaUNJ2829Della Bagus Nur HidayahUPJ2930Shafira Alfarisi BaluailIPB30
Technical Meeting
11th Nov 2017
IDB 1 7th
Competition Days (Debate Contest)
18th Nov 2017
minutes and 390 minutes
IDB 1 7th
Competition Days (Speech competition)
19th Nov 2017
minutes and 390 minutes
Ki Hajar Dewantara (Aula
Sergur) 9th Floor
Workshop and Reward
20h Nov 2017
minutes and 180 minutes
Ki Hajar Dewantara (Aula
Sergur) 9th Floor