The Role Youth For Demography Bonus
Joko Widodo said "demographic bonus is like a double-edged sword, one side is a blessing if we managed to take benefits. The other side is a disaster if the quality of human resources is not prepared properly. Demography Bonus is a very rare opportunity in a country , where the productive age (15-64 years) will be more dominant than the non-productive age (less than 15 and over 64). The fundamental question is: I s Indonesia ready to face the demographic bonus? We take a look in Badan Pusat Statistik that unemployment in Indonesia continues to increase year to year. In education side , the number of elementary school in Indonesia are about hundreds of thousands, ten thousands of junior high school and twelve thousand s of high school, so no wonder Anis Baswedan said that : “education in Indonesia is designed to not giving certificate because of the inequality education itself”. Education will effect social circumstances, such as the u...